

The mission of the RICQ

To provide a space for dialogue and the dissemination of information as well as to represent the composites industry on environmental and health and safety aspects. The RICQ, an essential reference for the composites sector in Quebec.


It was in the fall of 1995 that certain moulders met to take stock of the styrene file. Following this meeting, the moulders concluded that in terms of the environment, it would be desirable and beneficial for our industry to unite everyone’s skills in order to channel energies and efforts even if some of them were competitors. in business. It is from this vision that the RICQ was born.

Creation 1996

The RICQ obtained its charter as a non-profit organization in April 1996; it has given itself a mission and a solid management structure, which is based on a Board of Directors made up of 9 members. The Board has joined two committees whose efforts are mainly devoted to the technical aspect of occupational health and safety and the environment.


Over time, the RICQ has become the official interlocutor of our industry with government authorities. We have achieved a degree of credibility and a critical mass that not only allows us to be heard in our representations, but also allows us to progress in improving the positioning of the industry in the aspects of management environment and health & safety in our workplaces.

Today, the RICQ brings together more than 60 active members. Its notoriety acquired over the years has enabled it to increase its members so that the group is today a reflection of the Quebec composite materials industry.

Mandate of the RICQ

The Regroupement des Industries des Composites du Québec (RICQ) has the mandate to represent the interests of member companies in the aspects of health and safety and environmental management. The RICQ promotes and supports the progress of the performance of companies in this industrial sector in these two spheres of activity.

Two strategies aim to achieve this mission:

  • Allow members to share information on good environmental and health/safety practices with each other
  • To offer industrialists in the sector a forum allowing them to discuss environmental issues and define common positions so that the RICQ is a representative interlocutor with government authorities

President’s word

As president, I have set myself the goal of breathing new life into our association. This translates into concrete actions. We will ensure a constant presence of the RICQ on the various committees of interest while creating management tools that will allow members to measure and promote continuous improvement in the management of the environment, health and safety.

These actions position us advantageously in a sector of activity in constant evolution.

In addition, RICQ members will benefit from increased visibility from a commercial point of view with clients on our website. This tool will also allow the general public to demystify the composites industry.

My ultimate goal is to create an environment where all RICQ partners, moulders, suppliers, consultants and institutional representatives, will benefit from the synergy that will inhabit our renewed association.

I therefore invite you to join me and to continue to invest in our association and to talk about its benefits to your business partners and other players in the composites sector.

Luc Joyal

Council and Committee

We always need advice and new perspectives within the Board of Directors, the expertise of our members is important to keep moving forward. If you are interested in a term on the Board and would like more information about your involvement, please do not hesitate to contact us .

Luc Joyal, Serexco Inc.

Janic Lauzon, Composites Development Center of Quebec (CDCQ)

Richard Francoeur, Veolia

Guylaine Lavoie, Plasticompetence inc.
Serge Jacques, Deflex Composites
Sylvain Rivard, VCI Composites

Board member as observer:
Pascal Brière, Ministry of Economy and Innovation

RICQ members on the joint MDEIE-RICQ committee
Jean-François Doyon – Biome SC – ES&S consultant for the RICQ- Ecoleaders advisor


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composites industry in Quebec

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